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There are so many reasons to work from home compared to working a long shift on your feet all day.   Here’s why so many nurses do it:

  1. Better work/life balance

The clichéd work/life balance debate has been going on so long.  Depending on who you ask, you’ll get a different response about whether it’s attainable.  I’ve always valued hard work.  Before kids, I put in some looong hours, on nursing units and in corporate settings.  Once, I even considered changing my honeymoon date to be on hand for a major project I was working on.  (I didn’t change the date and loved every minute I spent in Greece)  Since having kids, I can’t put in those long hours.  I have dinners to cook, baths to give, homework to check.  Thankfully, working from home for an employer that values work/life balance, I’m able to do a job I love while being present for those I love.  Best of both worlds.  I’ll share what my typical day looks like soon.

  1. You can work from anywhere.

Take your pick: a home office, the kitchen table, the front porch, or pretty much anywhere you can connect to the internet.  (Note: When discussing personal health information (PHI), HIPAA rules still apply.  You must use your professional judgement when discussing sensitive medical information.  For example, don’t discuss a patient’s medical situation while waiting online in Starbucks.  Pretty obvious, I know.)

  1. Flexible hours

Every company may not offer flextime, most give you some flexibility when life happens-like picking up the kids, running an errand, midday workout or heading to a doctor’s appointment.  Work from home employees cite this as the biggest perk.


  1. You’ll save money

Scrubs aren’t cheap.  Neither is gas or costly car maintenance.  Ditching the commute equals money in your pocket. Ka-ching!


  1. Minimize workplace politics

Workplace politics exist in every company.  So, you won’t have to deal with the typical water-cooler gossip or lunch-hour cliques, but you won’t avoid it completely when you’re working from home.  It may rear its ugly head once in a while.  However, it should have less of an impact on you. My advice is to stay focused on your job and the mission at hand.